Thursday, 2 August 2012

‘The world is in your hands’

Ofentse Ramatsetse -

Those who know her would tell of her kind demeanour - how assertive and nonchalant she always appears to be – her cronies and folks see her as a great epitome of successful and devoted young woman to young children – her colleagues love her infatigable effort in making dreams become reality even when she turns sour sometimes. Community members know the good side of her although she sometimes seem teed-off  by effortless, indolent people who don’t demonstrate dedication particularly the organization  of Youth events because that’s where her core love for children is. Priscilla Jabulile Ntuli is a principled woman driven by love and passion for children – and believes that children are future leaders of tomorrow.

Jabulile Ntuli is one person who believes hard work pays more than anything else in the world in spite of challenging predicaments. Ntuli has abhorrence at heart for people who wake up in the morning without a crystal purpose and a course that would help cultivate our nation into better place. She says “the world is in our hands and we should not wait for anyone to better it if we’re relaxed and do nothing about it.” This beautiful young woman with two kids who is not only a mother to them but the entire community of Ga-rankuwa, made it possible and genuine to orphaned children and some community members that she’s capable of making difference first within her community since the “the world is in her hands.”
Ntuli is the reason many children wake up with smile around the community – she restores hope where there is none – and nurture talent and inculcates spirit of humanity and love where it is inadequate. One would think she’s narrowly focused on children-related affairs, but no! She’s politically inclined too and one of African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) and African National Congress’ Women League (ANCWL) members in Ga-rankuwa branch. Ntuli sees her role as that of being a catalyst of change to many vulnerable, directionless young people around her community – she imparts her messages through Youth development programmes and engages with tons of young people with divergent social issues.
Asked what she does on daily basis which is considered to be her daily obligations, this is what she had to say: ‘well, (she exclaims) honestly, I do a whole lot of things – I am a busy woman. I am a managing director of the youth organization titled, Phaphamang Project where we deal with all internal and external social and societal issues faced by our fellow brothers and sisters within the community not forgetting young vibrant children who, in most instances, become prone to challenges such as detrimental diseases, juvenile delinquency, illicit activities like selling and smoking drug substances due to insufficient knowledge less imparted to them by elders and parents’. Apart from being the managing director, she’s a motivational speaker, Community Development organizer, Youth empowerment and Development coordinator.
Like any other virtue of success epitomes, she’s had her rough moments combined with breakthroughs that made her become who she is today. Asked if she’s ever encountered pitfalls which tempted her positive attitude, she responds: ‘Yes, I recall the moment when I was still growing my organization [Phaphamang], I had a rough time to put it together simply because I have not had enough support and endorsement from my community as they thought I was one of those conman. As a result, I had to put even extra effort to display in an open, my commitment and intentions of constructing such an entity. Finally, I came to know one of my colleagues through whom I gained lot of recognition, but most importantly, show off my good deeds to my community which earned me their respect and love at once.
 Asked what message she could give to people with same aspirations as hers, she said: “the world is in your hands, do not wait for someone to come and help you, think!” This has become her motto and through it, she gains strength and effort to soldier on despite obstacles she may find herself in – she continues to dazzle many with her charitable work and foresee auspicious curve in her good doings.  

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